Born in Paris. Live in Paris and Menton, France.
Multimedia artist, painter.
Studies in ENSBA("Beaux-Arts de Paris"), Multimédia Department from 1994 to 2000.
During my Studies , she obtains two grants:
The Colin-Lefranc's grant for Cooper Union school in New-York, USA.
And through the Franco-German 's office for Youth, the Erasmus' Grant at the Kunst Hoch Schule in Berlin, Germany.
DNSAP (Diplôme National Supérieure d' Arts Plastiques) at the" Beaux-Arts de Paris in 2000,
Multimédia Department by professor Annette Messager.
Erasmus's Grant at the KHB-Weissensee, by professor Inge Mahn in sculpture's section, Berlin in 1999.
Colin-Lefranc's Grant at the Cooper Union school, by professors Antonio Muntadas and Hans Haacke, in multimedia's section, New-York in 1998.
Louvre's school , first year, in 1993.
boulle's school, inside architecture and design, in 1992.
ESAG, graphic-design, in 1991.
Bachelor in economic and social sciences, 1990.
-Groupshow "Borders" at "Trait d'union" , l'Albatros, Montreuil.
- with Raphaël Monchablon, "Joujoux", Sculptures on open air at Koaland Park, Menton.
- Groupshow "Open des Artistes de Monaco", Gallery L'Entrepôt, Monaco.
- with Raphaël Monchablon , "With Nature", Sculptures on open air at Koaland Park, Menton.
- with Raphaël Monchablon , "Paintings !", La Chapelle des Pénitents Noirs, Castellar.
-Le M...'s Muséum, Menton.
- with Raphaël Monchablon , " Des Villes".
-" whouaille notte ?, Paintings .
-Agence Graam, group show, Montreuil , France.
-"Bleu Menton", solo show, with Raphaël Monchablon, Galerie Charlotte Art, Menton, France.
- "Hypergroup show", Superchief Gallery, New York, U.S.A.
-Candem Palace, Cork, Ireland.
-Graffiti Revisited, Boheme Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark with Peter Missing and Raphael Monchablon.
-Art Exhibit, Paris, with Peter Missing and Raphael Monchablon.
-Collective exhibition " Popay and co", Favela Chic, Paris.
- "Novembre à Vitry", Art price and collective exhibition, Vitry, France.
- "Novembre à Vitry", Art price and collective exhibition, Vitry, France.
- Galerie Sur Pilotis, with Raphaël Monchablon, Paris.
Data Fluo et les yeux chauds, with Raphaël Monchablon, Paris.
Summer of the Embrace , with Raphaël Monchablon, 111 Torstrasse, Berlin.
The history of the city in sculptures, with Raphael Monchablon, Sauveterre de Rouergue, France.
Génie des Jardins, Paris.
Antic Pop, Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, France.
Error 404, 111 Torstrasse, Berlin.
Open the House, Dông-Baek Art Center, Pusan, South Korea.
Jardins du Génie, Paris.
9 days, in La Générale, Paris.
Anonym Zeichner, Bluten Weiss, Berlin.
Libido, Inpartibus, Paris.
Faces, Library of the hospital Lariboisiere, Paris.
Contre l'appauvrissement du nerf optique, gallery Frichez-nous la Paix, Paris.
No bolt this wall, Collet-Park Gallery, Paris.
Prétexte , Art Library, with Raphael Monchablon, QUF, Montreuil, France.
Don't touch, No Flash, with Raphaël Monchablon, La Miroiterie, Paris.
Born in Paris. Live in Paris and Menton, France.
Multimedia artist, painter.
Studies in ENSBA("Beaux-Arts de Paris"), Multimédia Department from 1994 to 2000.
During my Studies , she obtains two grants:
The Colin-Lefranc's grant for Cooper Union school in New-York, USA.
And through the Franco-German 's office for Youth, the Erasmus' Grant at the Kunst Hoch Schule in Berlin, Germany.
DNSAP (Diplôme National Supérieure d' Arts Plastiques) at the" Beaux-Arts de Paris in 2000,
Multimédia Department by professor Annette Messager.
Erasmus's Grant at the KHB-Weissensee, by professor Inge Mahn in sculpture's section, Berlin in 1999.
Colin-Lefranc's Grant at the Cooper Union school, by professors Antonio Muntadas and Hans Haacke, in multimedia's section, New-York in 1998.
Louvre's school , first year, in 1993.
boulle's school, inside architecture and design, in 1992.
ESAG, graphic-design, in 1991.
Bachelor in economic and social sciences, 1990.
-Groupshow "Borders" at "Trait d'union" , l'Albatros, Montreuil.
- with Raphaël Monchablon, "Joujoux", Sculptures on open air at Koaland Park, Menton.
- Groupshow "Open des Artistes de Monaco", Gallery L'Entrepôt, Monaco.
- with Raphaël Monchablon , "With Nature", Sculptures on open air at Koaland Park, Menton.
- with Raphaël Monchablon , "Paintings !", La Chapelle des Pénitents Noirs, Castellar.
-Le M...'s Muséum, Menton.
- with Raphaël Monchablon , " Des Villes".
-" whouaille notte ?, Paintings .
-Agence Graam, group show, Montreuil , France.
-"Bleu Menton", solo show, with Raphaël Monchablon, Galerie Charlotte Art, Menton, France.
- "Hypergroup show", Superchief Gallery, New York, U.S.A.
-Candem Palace, Cork, Ireland.
-Graffiti Revisited, Boheme Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark with Peter Missing and Raphael Monchablon.
-Art Exhibit, Paris, with Peter Missing and Raphael Monchablon.
-Collective exhibition " Popay and co", Favela Chic, Paris.
- "Novembre à Vitry", Art price and collective exhibition, Vitry, France.
- "Novembre à Vitry", Art price and collective exhibition, Vitry, France.
- Galerie Sur Pilotis, with Raphaël Monchablon, Paris.
Data Fluo et les yeux chauds, with Raphaël Monchablon, Paris.
Summer of the Embrace , with Raphaël Monchablon, 111 Torstrasse, Berlin.
The history of the city in sculptures, with Raphael Monchablon, Sauveterre de Rouergue, France.
Génie des Jardins, Paris.
Antic Pop, Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, France.
Error 404, 111 Torstrasse, Berlin.
Open the House, Dông-Baek Art Center, Pusan, South Korea.
Jardins du Génie, Paris.
9 days, in La Générale, Paris.
Anonym Zeichner, Bluten Weiss, Berlin.
Libido, Inpartibus, Paris.
Faces, Library of the hospital Lariboisiere, Paris.
Contre l'appauvrissement du nerf optique, gallery Frichez-nous la Paix, Paris.
No bolt this wall, Collet-Park Gallery, Paris.
Prétexte , Art Library, with Raphael Monchablon, QUF, Montreuil, France.
Don't touch, No Flash, with Raphaël Monchablon, La Miroiterie, Paris.