Laurence Vincent
Made on an iPad

Born in Paris. Live in Paris and Menton, France.
Multimedia artist, painter.

Studies in ENSBA("Beaux-Arts de Paris"), Multimédia Department from 1994 to 2000.
During my Studies , she obtains two grants:
The Colin-Lefranc's grant for Cooper Union school in New-York, USA.
And through the Franco-German 's office for Youth, the Erasmus' Grant at the Kunst Hoch Schule in Berlin, Germany.

DNSAP (Diplôme National Supérieure d' Arts Plastiques) at the" Beaux-Arts de Paris in 2000,
Multimédia Department by professor Annette Messager.
Erasmus's Grant at the KHB-Weissensee, by professor Inge Mahn in sculpture's section, Berlin in 1999.
Colin-Lefranc's Grant at the Cooper Union school, by professors Antonio Muntadas and Hans Haacke, in multimedia's section, New-York in 1998.
Louvre's school , first year, in 1993.
boulle's school, inside architecture and design, in 1992.
ESAG, graphic-design, in 1991.
Bachelor in economic and social sciences, 1990.


-Groupshow "Borders" at "Trait d'union" , l'Albatros, Montreuil.
- with Raphaël Monchablon, "Joujoux", Sculptures on open air at Koaland Park, Menton.

- Groupshow "Open des Artistes de Monaco", Gallery L'Entrepôt, Monaco.
- with Raphaël Monchablon , "With Nature", Sculptures on open air at Koaland Park, Menton.
- with Raphaël Monchablon , "Paintings !", La Chapelle des Pénitents Noirs, Castellar.

-Le M...'s Muséum, Menton.
- with Raphaël Monchablon , " Des Villes".
-" whouaille notte ?, Paintings .

-Agence Graam, group show, Montreuil , France.
-"Bleu Menton", solo show, with Raphaël Monchablon, Galerie Charlotte Art, Menton, France.
- "Hypergroup show", Superchief Gallery, New York, U.S.A.

-Candem Palace, Cork, Ireland.

-Graffiti Revisited, Boheme Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark with Peter Missing and Raphael Monchablon.
-Art Exhibit, Paris, with Peter Missing and Raphael Monchablon.

-Collective exhibition " Popay and co", Favela Chic, Paris.
- "Novembre à Vitry", Art price and collective exhibition, Vitry, France.

- "Novembre à Vitry", Art price and collective exhibition, Vitry, France.
- Galerie Sur Pilotis, with Raphaël Monchablon, Paris.

Data Fluo et les yeux chauds, with Raphaël Monchablon, Paris.

Summer of the Embrace , with Raphaël Monchablon, 111 Torstrasse, Berlin.

The history of the city in sculptures, with Raphael Monchablon, Sauveterre de Rouergue, France.
Génie des Jardins, Paris.
Antic Pop, Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, France.
Error 404, 111 Torstrasse, Berlin.

Open the House, Dông-Baek Art Center, Pusan, South Korea.
Jardins du Génie, Paris.
9 days, in La Générale, Paris.
Anonym Zeichner, Bluten Weiss, Berlin.

Libido, Inpartibus, Paris.
Faces, Library of the hospital Lariboisiere, Paris.

Contre l'appauvrissement du nerf optique, gallery Frichez-nous la Paix, Paris.
No bolt this wall, Collet-Park Gallery, Paris.

Prétexte , Art Library, with Raphael Monchablon, QUF, Montreuil, France.
Don't touch, No Flash, with Raphaël Monchablon, La Miroiterie, Paris.